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Porta del Sol

Playa Almirante I Financial Reports

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This area contain the following Financial Reports for Playa Almirante I:

  • Balance Sheet by Month - Current assets and liabilities.
  • Budget vs. Actual by Month - This reports Income and Expenditures by month, compared to budgeted.
  • Profit and Loss by Month - This reports Income and Expenditures by month.
  • Approved Budget by Month for the Current Year

This area is restricted to Playa Almirante I's Residents Only. Please enter a valid Username and Password to continue.

If you would like access to this area please Create an Account. If you are having trouble logging in, please Contact Us.

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Copyright © 2005 Playa Almirante Condominium Owners Association
On-line since: Sat Oct 16 2004    Last update: 2024-09-23 20:22:17
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